5.0 Megapixel Resolution

  • AM73515MT8A


    With the built-in coaxial light, the Dino-Lite 5MP AM73515MT8A is capable of switching from darkfield to coaxial-brightfield illumination. The coaxial-brightfield illumination allows users to obtain clear visualization of the edges, dents and scratches,...

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  • AM7515MT2A AM7515MT2A


    Remarkably compacted with a built-in coaxial light, the 5MP Edge AM7515MT2A delivers exceptional brightfield image at 130-220X magnifications. Through the use of Flexible LEDs Control (FLC), the AM7515MT2A is capable of switching between or mixing...

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  • AM7515MT8A AM7515MT8A


    Pioneered with built-in coaxial light, the AM7515MT8A answers the needs of brightfield observation with superior image quality at 700~900x magnifications. Through the use of Flexible LED Control (FLC), the AM7515MT8A not only can switch between...

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  • AM7515MT4A AM7515MT4A


    Remarkably compacted with a built-in coaxial light, the 5MP Edge AM7515MT4A delivers exceptional brightfield image at 415~470x magnifications. Through the use of Flexible LEDs Control (FLC), the AM7515MT4A is capable of switching between or mixing...

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